Not technically a freshman yet, 7 more days till school starts. but, this week was band camp! the vikings marching band is performing Pirates this year, which is kinda ironic, but it's awesome. my feet feels soo sore now, not to mention the mosquito bite that somehow got to the bottom of my, i play the flute, which is really annoying to get good posture. the flute has to be parallel to the ground and stuff. i guess the trombones are harder though, their instruments are like 50 pounds. on the other hand, clarinets have it so easy :(
Day 1
i live close enough to Fremd, so i walked there. but, halfway there, i realized i forgot my flip folder with all my music, so i sprinted all the way back home. i started freaking out since i couldn't find it, but then i found it :P by the time i got there, it felt like 90 degrees... at least our section leader brought a cooler for our water. thank god for the invention of ice. anyways, that day we practiced basics cuz of us newbies, and we learned half of Karn Evil. Woot!
Day 2
it was a drizzly day. like it rained, but it wasn't poring rain, so we still stayed outside. some of the piccolos claim that the rain makes the keys seem more stickier, but all it did for me is make my flute look dirtier...we, quote, roughly finished Karn Evil. then, more basics, and then PIRATES MOVEMENT ONE FINISHED! it was exciting :)
Day 3
too bad it wasn't a rainy day again. there was some breezes, but mostly it was a humid day. cool thing was, all the flutes and clarinets wore green! so, we practiced Karn Evil in which i actually kinda remembered where i was supposed to go :) then, practiced Pirates Mvmt 1, and started on MOVEMENT TWO. the one with a huge drum feature, and a pirate ship prop (haha, actually in my opinion, it looks more like 2 bunk beds right now). i luv how during the drum feature when the percussionists and color guard are practicing, we all were practically dying of thirst, and everyone ran to get some water (me, some ice from the cooler) during a 30 seconds water break. if only we could have band camp in the fall, morning, or at like five :)
Day 4+5
totally humid and hot, as in like 95 degrees both days. you really wouldn't wanna see a picture of me when I'm sweating, not a fun sight. that's all i could think about for those 2 days, the heat, and when we could have a water break. oh yea, and we sorta did 3rd movement.
Day 6
last day, so we started at 8am until 12 pm. at 12, our show started for the parents, and the people who wanted to see it. didja know, the fremd football field is like rubber?! i got like lotsa small black rubbery stuff in my shoe. anyways, afterwards, we had our picnic. so, since at 12, its really really hot out. our soda and water were in this big trashcan sized...bucket? so, if you stick your hand in to get something, it FEELS SO AWESOMELY COOL!!! lol
so, if you're thinking why I'm writing about songs you wouldn't even know about, go to the home football games :P mwahaha
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